Mar 2, 1986
The Stone Pony (Asbury Park, New Jersey)
Tour Rarity Rank: 3rd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Stand on It
2 of 2
16 of 42
2. Working on the HighwayTour Debut
1 of 1
60 of 412
3. Darlington CountyTour Debut
1 of 2
108 of 420
4. The Promised Land
2 of 2
408 of 1487
5. Darkness on the Edge of Town
2 of 2
275 of 721
6. I'm Goin' DownTour Debut
1 of 1
38 of 86
7. My Hometown
2 of 2
138 of 571
8. Cadillac RanchTour Debut
1 of 1
297 of 480
9. Glory DaysTour Debut
1 of 2
159 of 629