Mar 18, 2000
The Pyramid Arena (Memphis, Tennessee)
Tour Rarity Rank: 83rd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. My Love Will Not Let You Down
35 of 41
37 of 155
2. Prove It All Night
86 of 105
481 of 754
3. Two Hearts
96 of 132
285 of 474
4. TrappedCover
17 of 21
182 of 266
5. The Promised Land
66 of 95
611 of 1487
6. Mansion on the Hill
52 of 66
116 of 138
7. The River
68 of 87
420 of 901
8. Youngstown
96 of 132
175 of 302
9. Murder Incorporated
96 of 132
160 of 264
10. Badlands
96 of 132
613 of 1287
11. Out in the Street
91 of 127
387 of 759
12. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
96 of 132
460 of 1190
13. Working on the Highway
77 of 83
228 of 412
14. Follow That DreamTour DebutCoverLiberation
Tour debut, first time live since 1993
1 of 1
46 of 51
15. Meeting Across the River
14 of 19
28 of 70
16. Jungleland
44 of 56
513 of 647
17. Light of Day
96 of 132
278 of 361
18. Hungry HeartEncore
58 of 64
477 of 747
19. Bobby JeanEncore
65 of 90
395 of 710
20. Born to RunEncore
96 of 132
879 of 1826
21. Thunder RoadEncore
96 of 132
784 of 1531
22. If I Should Fall BehindEncore
96 of 132
192 of 290
23. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
96 of 132
98 of 735
24. RamrodEncore
36 of 67
245 of 494