Oct 5, 2008
The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
Tour Rarity Rank: 6th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Mr. SpacemanTour DebutSong DebutCover
1 of 1
1 of 2
2. The Promised Land
3 of 7
910 of 1487
3. The Ghost of Tom Joad
2 of 3
256 of 452
4. Thunder Road
4 of 8
929 of 1531
5. YoungstownTour Debut
1 of 2
242 of 302
6. No Surrender
2 of 3
248 of 465
7. The Rising
2 of 6
319 of 972
8. This Land Is Your LandCover
2 of 4
142 of 152