Sep 12, 1984
Spectrum (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Tour Rarity Rank: 31st

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Born in the U.S.A.
39 of 156
40 of 1042
2. Out in the Street
39 of 153
179 of 759
3. Spirit in the Night
10 of 14
361 of 601
4. Atlantic City
36 of 121
36 of 400
5. State Trooper
2 of 10
2 of 35
6. Nebraska
17 of 31
17 of 115
7. Prove It All Night
35 of 113
283 of 754
8. Darlington County
24 of 106
25 of 420
9. Glory Days
39 of 156
41 of 629
10. The Promised Land
39 of 156
289 of 1487
11. Point BlankTour DebutLiberation
tour premiere
1 of 16
133 of 272
12. TrappedCover
11 of 74
39 of 266
13. Badlands
39 of 156
290 of 1287
14. Thunder Road
39 of 156
447 of 1531
15. Hungry Heart
39 of 156
164 of 747
16. Dancing in the Dark
40 of 157
43 of 1146
17. Cadillac Ranch
39 of 156
179 of 480
18. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
22 of 28
314 of 1190
19. Downbound Train
6 of 83
6 of 172
20. I'm on Fire
9 of 119
9 of 295
21. Cover Me
18 of 135
18 of 347
22. Growin' Up
13 of 38
202 of 627
23. Bobby Jean
39 of 156
39 of 710
24. Backstreets
extended intro and "Sad Eyes" interlude
22 of 30
307 of 584
25. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
39 of 81
528 of 877
26. JunglelandEncore
39 of 74
432 of 647
27. Born to RunEncore
39 of 156
473 of 1826
28. Street Fighting ManEncoreCover
22 of 28
22 of 32
29. Twist and ShoutEncoreCover
including "Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go"
16 of 125
89 of 377
30. Do You Love Me?EncoreCover
10 of 119
53 of 917
31. Detroit MedleyEncore
including "Travelin' Band"
30 of 87
272 of 417