May 26, 1978
Spectrum (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Tour Rarity Rank: 13th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Badlands
3 of 110
3 of 1287
2. Night
3 of 35
89 of 262
3. Spirit in the Night
3 of 108
243 of 601
4. Something in the Night
3 of 14
39 of 108
5. For You
3 of 42
75 of 237
6. Candy's Room
3 of 64
3 of 302
7. Prove It All Night
3 of 107
3 of 754
8. Racing in the Street
3 of 102
3 of 372
9. Thunder Road
3 of 109
161 of 1531
10. The Promised Land
3 of 107
3 of 1487
11. Paradise by the "C"
3 of 58
7 of 74
12. Fire
3 of 85
3 of 553
13. Adam Raised a Cain
3 of 41
3 of 310
14. Growin' UpTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 54
119 of 627
15. It's Hard to Be a Saint in the CityTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 20
131 of 299
16. Mona / She's the One
"Train Kept A-Rollin'" intro
3 of 36
36 of 72
17. Backstreets
3 of 96
129 of 584
18. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
includes a snippet of "Mickey's Monkey"
3 of 110
239 of 877
19. The PromiseEncore
solo piano
3 of 24
26 of 72
20. Born to RunEncore
3 of 110
185 of 1826
21. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
3 of 48
155 of 1190
22. You Can't Sit DownEncoreCover
2 of 7
18 of 31