Nov 18, 2009
Sommet Center (Nashville, Tennessee)
Tour Rarity Rank: 16th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Wrecking BallGuest: Curt Ramm
13 of 15
13 of 270
2. Seeds
64 of 64
167 of 184
3. TrappedCover
11 of 11
216 of 266
4. Something in the Night
8 of 9
80 of 108
5. Hungry Heart
42 of 44
556 of 747
6. Working on a Dream
82 of 84
85 of 93
7. Thunder Road
48 of 50
984 of 1531
8. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutGuest: Curt Ramm
41 of 43
591 of 1190
9. Night
22 of 23
222 of 262
10. Backstreets
20 of 21
459 of 584
11. Born to Run
83 of 85
1242 of 1826
12. She's the One
34 of 35
412 of 575
13. Meeting Across the RiverGuest: Curt Ramm
12 of 13
59 of 70
14. Jungleland
26 of 27
601 of 647
15. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
79 of 81
256 of 438
16. Santa Claus Is Comin' to TownCover
5 of 7
139 of 156
17. Two Hearts
7 of 7
382 of 474
18. Darlington County
14 of 14
289 of 420
19. You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
3 of 3
272 of 341
20. Lonesome Day
74 of 74
320 of 398
21. The Rising
80 of 82
406 of 972
22. Badlands
80 of 82
964 of 1287
23. Ring of FireEncoreTour DebutCoverGuest: Curt RammLiberation
1 of 1
126 of 144
24. No SurrenderEncore
42 of 42
292 of 465
25. Bobby JeanEncore
33 of 33
569 of 710
26. American LandEncoreGuest: Curt Ramm
83 of 85
217 of 251
27. Dancing in the DarkEncore
61 of 63
505 of 1146
28. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)EncoreGuest: Curt Ramm
42 of 44
728 of 877
29. (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and HigherEncoreCoverGuest: Curt Ramm
9 of 11
14 of 23