Mar 27, 2013
Rod Laver Arena (Melbourne, Victoria)
Tour Rarity Rank: 20th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Long Walk Home
3 of 10
117 of 282
2. Radio Nowhere
12 of 21
161 of 179
3. My Love Will Not Let You Down
10 of 25
96 of 155
4. Better DaysTour DebutLiberation
Tour Premiere, first time live since 2005
1 of 5
115 of 138
5. We Take Care of Our Own
91 of 115
100 of 128
6. Wrecking Ball
94 of 128
113 of 270
7. Death to My Hometown
95 of 134
98 of 202
8. Out in the Street
44 of 57
593 of 759
9. Factory
2 of 5
170 of 176
10. Lost in the Flood
8 of 9
72 of 85
11. High HopesCover
5 of 6
5 of 41
12. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
15 of 18
152 of 164
13. Candy's Room
sign request
16 of 23
232 of 302
14. Youngstown
15 of 18
276 of 302
15. Murder Incorporated
15 of 23
238 of 264
16. Pay Me My Money DownCover
10 of 24
71 of 101
17. I'm Goin' Down
7 of 14
64 of 86
18. Shackled and Drawn
78 of 113
80 of 143
19. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
94 of 132
358 of 438
20. The Rising
73 of 107
483 of 972
21. The Ghost of Tom Joad
15 of 20
302 of 452
22. Badlands
86 of 125
1054 of 1287
23. JunglelandEncore
10 of 17
612 of 647
24. Born to RunEncore
95 of 134
1344 of 1826
25. Dancing in the DarkEncore
94 of 133
609 of 1146
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
93 of 132
693 of 1190
27. American LandEncore
15 of 25
234 of 251