Mar 26, 2013
Rod Laver Arena (Melbourne, Victoria)
Tour Rarity Rank: 115th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Badlands
85 of 125
1053 of 1287
2. We Take Care of Our Own
90 of 115
99 of 128
3. Cadillac Ranch
sign request
5 of 12
418 of 480
4. Wrecking Ball
93 of 128
112 of 270
5. Downbound Train
sign request
11 of 21
146 of 172
6. Death to My Hometown
94 of 134
97 of 202
7. Hungry Heart
48 of 70
607 of 747
8. Spirit in the Night
56 of 82
522 of 601
9. My City of Ruins
92 of 95
265 of 287
10. The E Street Shuffle
29 of 34
83 of 144
11. Red Headed Woman
sign request
3 of 3
95 of 95
12. Because the NightCover
41 of 52
394 of 579
13. She's the One
33 of 49
446 of 575
14. Open All Night
8 of 17
97 of 110
15. Working on the Highway
40 of 52
341 of 412
16. Darlington County
33 of 56
326 of 420
17. Shackled and Drawn
77 of 113
79 of 143
18. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
93 of 132
357 of 438
19. The Ghost of Tom Joad
Tom Morello shared vocals
14 of 20
301 of 452
20. Thunder Road
54 of 86
1057 of 1531
21. We Are AliveEncore
56 of 62
58 of 67
22. Born to RunEncore
94 of 134
1343 of 1826
23. Dancing in the DarkEncore
93 of 133
608 of 1146
24. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)Encore
sign request
22 of 32
755 of 877
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
92 of 132
692 of 1190