Mar 25, 2024
Pechanga Arena (San Diego, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 11th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Lonesome Day
3 of 11
390 of 398
2. Prove It All Night
3 of 8
749 of 754
3. No Surrender
3 of 7
461 of 465
4. Death to My HometownTour Debut
tour debut
1 of 3
200 of 202
5. Ghosts
3 of 11
70 of 78
6. Letter to You
3 of 10
67 of 74
7. The Promised Land
3 of 11
1479 of 1487
8. My City of RuinsTour DebutLiberation
tour debut, first performance since 2017; interspersed with band introductions
1 of 6
282 of 287
9. Spirit in the Night
3 of 11
593 of 601
10. Don't Play That Song (You Lied)Cover
3 of 3
10 of 10
11. NightshiftCover
3 of 11
68 of 76
12. Mary's Place
3 of 3
240 of 240
13. Last Man Standing
acoustic, with Barry Danielian on trumpet; dedicated to Captain Paul Anthony Pensabene
3 of 11
155 of 163
14. Backstreets
3 of 11
576 of 584
15. Because the NightCover
3 of 11
571 of 579
16. She's the One
3 of 10
568 of 575
17. Wrecking Ball
3 of 11
262 of 270
18. The Rising
3 of 11
964 of 972
19. Badlands
3 of 11
1279 of 1287
20. Thunder Road
3 of 11
1523 of 1531
21. Detroit MedleyEncoreTour Debut
tour debut
1 of 4
414 of 417
22. Born to RunEncore
3 of 11
1818 of 1826
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)Encore
the audience sang the "Jersey" and "down San Diego way" lyrics
3 of 9
871 of 877
24. Bobby JeanEncoreTour Debut
tour debut
1 of 6
705 of 710
25. Dancing in the DarkEncore
followed by band introductions
3 of 11
1137 of 1146
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
3 of 11
1181 of 1190
27. I'll See You in My DreamsEncore
solo acoustic
3 of 11
103 of 111