Jun 26, 1999
Parken Stadium (Copenhagen, Capital Region)
Tour Rarity Rank: 39th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Who'll Stop the RainTour DebutCoverLiberation
1 of 1
125 of 148
2. Prove It All Night
32 of 105
427 of 754
3. Two Hearts
35 of 132
224 of 474
4. The Promised Land
32 of 95
577 of 1487
5. Darlington County
29 of 75
159 of 420
6. Tougher Than the Rest
sign request
5 of 7
85 of 376
7. The River
35 of 87
387 of 901
8. Youngstown
35 of 132
114 of 302
9. Murder Incorporated
35 of 132
99 of 264
10. Badlands
35 of 132
552 of 1287
11. Out in the Street
31 of 127
327 of 759
12. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
35 of 132
399 of 1190
13. Where the Bands Are
17 of 29
17 of 37
14. Working on the Highway
31 of 83
182 of 412
15. Because the NightTour DebutCoverLiberation
1 of 12
246 of 579
16. The Ghost of Tom Joad
34 of 112
164 of 452
17. Streets of Philadelphia
9 of 12
81 of 93
18. Backstreets
15 of 60
355 of 584
19. Light of Day
35 of 132
217 of 361
20. Stand on ItEncore
4 of 12
22 of 42
21. Hungry HeartEncore
31 of 64
450 of 747
22. Born to RunEncore
35 of 132
817 of 1826
23. Bobby JeanEncore
22 of 90
352 of 710
24. Thunder RoadEncore
35 of 132
723 of 1531
25. If I Should Fall BehindEncore
35 of 132
131 of 290
26. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
35 of 132
37 of 735