Oct 4, 2005
Paramount Theatre (Asbury Park, New Jersey)
Tour Rarity Rank: 9th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Idiot's DelightTour DebutCover
Tour debut
1 of 10
4 of 13
2. Living Proof
4 of 8
95 of 101
3. Devils & Dust
51 of 72
55 of 98
4. The Ties That BindTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 7
186 of 315
5. Long Time Comin'
49 of 70
85 of 158
6. Silver Palomino
26 of 29
27 of 30
7. Be True
2 of 4
55 of 75
8. Tougher Than the Rest
11 of 15
104 of 376
9. Ain't Got You
7 of 19
39 of 51
10. All the Way Home
13 of 19
19 of 28
11. One Step Up
5 of 11
52 of 59
12. Reno
51 of 72
51 of 72
13. Atlantic CityTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 7
249 of 400
14. Lost in the Flood
8 of 15
51 of 85
15. The Rising
51 of 72
194 of 972
16. Lucky Town
7 of 12
126 of 144
17. Jesus Was an Only Son
51 of 72
54 of 80
18. Two Hearts
9 of 19
354 of 474
19. Galveston Bay
3 of 4
104 of 106
20. Matamoros Banks
51 of 71
52 of 72
21. I Wanna Marry YouEncoreTour DebutLiberation
Tour debut, first time live since 1996
1 of 11
36 of 93
22. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)Encore
3 of 5
248 of 278
23. The Promised LandEncore
51 of 72
785 of 1487
24. Dream Baby DreamEncoreCover
43 of 64
44 of 74