Jun 13, 2005
Olympiahalle (Munich, Bavaria)
Tour Rarity Rank: 52nd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Into the FireTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 9
129 of 193
2. Reason to Believe
24 of 56
108 of 208
3. Devils & Dust
24 of 72
28 of 98
4. Lucky Town
3 of 12
122 of 144
5. Long Time Comin'
22 of 70
58 of 158
6. Black Cowboys
10 of 16
11 of 17
7. The River
17 of 35
470 of 901
8. Book of Dreams
3 of 3
9 of 9
9. State Trooper
6 of 20
19 of 35
10. Maria's Bed
15 of 21
16 of 25
11. Nebraska
9 of 16
105 of 115
12. Reno
24 of 72
24 of 72
13. Point BlankTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 5
200 of 272
14. Real World
14 of 25
71 of 84
15. The Rising
24 of 72
167 of 972
16. Further On (Up the Road)
22 of 39
43 of 79
17. Jesus Was an Only Son
24 of 72
27 of 80
18. Leah
24 of 32
25 of 33
19. The Hitter
24 of 57
26 of 59
20. Matamoros Banks
24 of 71
25 of 72
21. RamrodEncore
13 of 24
377 of 494
22. Bobby JeanEncoreTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 17
487 of 710
23. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
15 of 23
272 of 735
24. The Promised LandEncore
24 of 72
758 of 1487
25. Dream Baby DreamEncoreCover
16 of 64
16 of 74