Jun 27, 2000
Madison Square Garden (New York, New York)
Tour Rarity Rank: 1st

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Code of Silence
6 of 8
6 of 20
2. The Ties That Bind
48 of 49
153 of 315
3. Adam Raised a Cain
15 of 15
227 of 310
4. Two Hearts
130 of 132
319 of 474
5. TrappedCover
21 of 21
186 of 266
6. Factory
43 of 43
157 of 176
7. American Skin (41 Shots)
9 of 11
9 of 112
8. The Promised Land
93 of 95
638 of 1487
9. Youngstown
130 of 132
209 of 302
10. Murder Incorporated
130 of 132
194 of 264
11. Badlands
130 of 132
647 of 1287
12. Out in the Street
125 of 127
421 of 759
13. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
130 of 132
494 of 1190
14. Loose Ends
10 of 10
10 of 43
15. Back in Your Arms
5 of 5
5 of 24
16. Mary Queen of Arkansas
3 of 3
16 of 19
17. Backstreets
59 of 60
399 of 584
18. Light of Day
130 of 132
312 of 361
19. Hungry HeartEncore
64 of 64
483 of 747
20. Born to RunEncore
130 of 132
913 of 1826
21. Blinded by the LightEncore
5 of 5
49 of 85
22. Thunder RoadEncore
130 of 132
818 of 1531
23. If I Should Fall BehindEncore
130 of 132
226 of 290
24. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
130 of 132
132 of 735