Apr 8, 2000
Kiel Center (St. Louis, Missouri)
Tour Rarity Rank: 37th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. The Ties That Bind
37 of 49
142 of 315
2. Prove It All Night
89 of 105
484 of 754
3. Two Hearts
102 of 132
291 of 474
4. Atlantic City
11 of 17
229 of 400
5. Rendezvous
16 of 23
72 of 100
6. Darlington County
62 of 75
192 of 420
7. Mansion on the Hill
54 of 66
118 of 138
8. The River
73 of 87
425 of 901
9. Youngstown
102 of 132
181 of 302
10. Murder Incorporated
102 of 132
166 of 264
11. Badlands
102 of 132
619 of 1287
12. Out in the Street
97 of 127
393 of 759
13. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
102 of 132
466 of 1190
14. She's the One
15 of 17
232 of 575
15. Brilliant Disguise
4 of 5
180 of 438
16. The Ghost of Tom Joad
94 of 112
224 of 452
17. Born in the U.S.A.
39 of 52
528 of 1042
18. Backstreets
45 of 60
385 of 584
19. Light of Day
102 of 132
284 of 361
20. Spirit in the NightEncore
9 of 14
389 of 601
21. Bobby JeanEncore
71 of 90
401 of 710
22. Born to RunEncore
102 of 132
885 of 1826
23. Thunder RoadEncore
102 of 132
790 of 1531
24. If I Should Fall BehindEncore
102 of 132
198 of 290
25. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
102 of 132
104 of 735
26. RamrodEncore
42 of 67
251 of 494