Dec 6, 2012 Arena (Glendale, Arizona)
Tour Rarity Rank: 73rd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Surprise, SurpriseTour Debut
Bruce Solo Acoustic, tour debut
1 of 2
10 of 13
2. No Surrender
24 of 39
324 of 465
3. I'm a Rocker
6 of 8
94 of 146
4. Hungry Heart
42 of 70
601 of 747
5. Prove It All Night
with '78 Intro
27 of 42
633 of 754
6. TrappedCover
16 of 20
232 of 266
7. Lost in the Flood
7 of 9
71 of 85
8. We Take Care of Our Own
85 of 115
94 of 128
9. Wrecking Ball
85 of 128
103 of 270
10. Death to My Hometown
85 of 134
88 of 202
11. My City of Ruins
85 of 95
257 of 287
12. Be True
Sign Request
4 of 4
70 of 75
13. Light of Day
Sign Request
5 of 11
336 of 361
14. Darlington County
28 of 56
321 of 420
15. Shackled and Drawn
69 of 113
71 of 143
16. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
85 of 132
349 of 438
17. Apollo Medley
Sat down and sang "634-5789"with Sam Moore in the audience
27 of 29
28 of 30
18. The Rising
68 of 107
478 of 972
19. Badlands
77 of 125
1045 of 1287
20. Thunder Road
48 of 86
1051 of 1531
21. Incident on 57th StreetEncore
Bruce Solo on Piano
7 of 10
137 of 151
22. Born to RunEncore
85 of 134
1333 of 1826
23. Dancing in the DarkEncore
85 of 133
600 of 1146
24. Santa Claus Is Comin' to TownEncoreCoverGuest: Garland Jeffreys
8 of 9
150 of 156
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
with Jared Clemons
84 of 132
684 of 1190