Apr 5, 2008
HP Pavilion (San Jose, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 42nd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Out in the StreetTour DebutLiberation
tour premiere, first time live since 2003
1 of 31
477 of 759
2. Radio Nowhere
54 of 99
58 of 179
3. Lonesome Day
53 of 75
223 of 398
4. Gypsy Biker
54 of 73
57 of 77
5. Something in the Night
sign request
2 of 4
69 of 108
6. Magic
53 of 66
55 of 240
7. TrappedCover
3 of 14
194 of 266
8. Reason to Believe
53 of 62
194 of 208
9. Prove It All Night
8 of 30
559 of 754
10. She's the One
54 of 91
340 of 575
11. Livin' in the Future
54 of 99
58 of 103
12. The Promised Land
53 of 95
865 of 1487
13. FireTour Debut
tour premiere
1 of 4
419 of 553
14. Incident on 57th Street
sign request
8 of 11
121 of 151
15. Devil's Arcade
54 of 70
58 of 74
16. The Rising
54 of 99
272 of 972
17. Last to Die
54 of 100
58 of 108
18. Long Walk Home
54 of 100
59 of 282
19. Badlands
54 of 100
836 of 1287
20. Detroit MedleyEncore
sign request
3 of 7
377 of 417
21. Born to RunEncore
54 of 100
1107 of 1826
22. Glory DaysEncore
sign request
3 of 15
435 of 629
23. Bobby JeanEncoreTour Debut
tour premiere
1 of 19
517 of 710
24. American LandEncore
54 of 100
87 of 251