May 8, 2000
Hartford Civic Center (Hartford, Connecticut)
Tour Rarity Rank: 18th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. RouletteTour DebutLiberation
Tour debut, first time live since 1988
1 of 1
42 of 57
2. Prove It All Night
96 of 105
491 of 754
3. Two Hearts
116 of 132
305 of 474
4. Darlington County
Medley with The Rolling Stones' "Honky Tonk Women"
71 of 75
201 of 420
5. Atlantic City
14 of 17
232 of 400
6. My Hometown
15 of 18
234 of 571
7. Independence Day
13 of 15
185 of 246
8. Youngstown
116 of 132
195 of 302
9. Murder Incorporated
116 of 132
180 of 264
10. Badlands
116 of 132
633 of 1287
11. Out in the Street
111 of 127
407 of 759
12. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
116 of 132
480 of 1190
13. Brilliant Disguise
5 of 5
181 of 438
14. Because the NightCover
12 of 12
257 of 579
15. The Ghost of Tom Joad
106 of 112
236 of 452
16. Racing in the Street
12 of 15
275 of 372
17. Light of Day
116 of 132
298 of 361
18. Spirit in the NightEncore
13 of 14
393 of 601
19. Born to RunEncore
116 of 132
899 of 1826
20. Thunder RoadEncore
116 of 132
804 of 1531
21. If I Should Fall BehindEncore
116 of 132
212 of 290
22. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
116 of 132
118 of 735
23. RamrodEncore
56 of 67
265 of 494