Apr 26, 1999
Hallenstadion (Zurich, Zürich)
Tour Rarity Rank: 128th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. My Love Will Not Let You Down
9 of 41
11 of 155
2. Badlands
10 of 132
527 of 1287
3. Two Hearts
10 of 132
199 of 474
4. Darlington County
5 of 75
135 of 420
5. Factory
3 of 43
117 of 176
6. The River
10 of 87
362 of 901
7. Youngstown
10 of 132
89 of 302
8. Murder Incorporated
10 of 132
74 of 264
9. Prove It All Night
10 of 105
405 of 754
10. Out in the Street
9 of 127
305 of 759
11. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
10 of 132
374 of 1190
12. Where the Bands Are
3 of 29
3 of 37
13. Working on the Highway
6 of 83
157 of 412
14. The Ghost of Tom Joad
10 of 112
140 of 452
15. The Promised Land
10 of 95
555 of 1487
16. Jungleland
5 of 56
474 of 647
17. Light of Day
10 of 132
192 of 361
18. Hungry HeartEncore
6 of 64
425 of 747
19. Bobby JeanEncore
7 of 90
337 of 710
20. Born to RunEncore
10 of 132
792 of 1826
21. Thunder RoadEncore
10 of 132
698 of 1531
22. If I Should Fall BehindEncore
10 of 132
106 of 290
23. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
10 of 132
12 of 735