Mar 19, 2012
Greensboro Coliseum (Greensboro, North Carolina)
Tour Rarity Rank: 132nd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. We Take Care of Our Own
2 of 115
6 of 128
2. Wrecking Ball
2 of 128
20 of 270
3. Badlands
2 of 125
970 of 1287
4. Death to My Hometown
2 of 134
5 of 202
5. My City of Ruins
2 of 95
174 of 287
6. The E Street Shuffle
2 of 34
56 of 144
7. Jack of All Trades
2 of 65
5 of 75
8. Seeds
2 of 8
170 of 184
9. Easy Money
2 of 18
3 of 19
10. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
2 of 132
266 of 438
11. The Promised Land
2 of 58
1000 of 1487
12. Apollo Medley
Dedicated to daughter Jessica
2 of 29
3 of 30
13. Shackled and Drawn
2 of 113
4 of 143
14. Because the NightTour DebutCover
Tour premiere, replaced Lonesome Day on written setlist
1 of 52
354 of 579
15. The Rising
2 of 107
412 of 972
16. We Are Alive
2 of 62
4 of 67
17. Thunder Road
2 of 86
1001 of 1531
18. Rocky GroundEncore
with Michelle Moore
2 of 40
4 of 43
19. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
2 of 85
329 of 735
20. Born to RunEncore
2 of 134
1250 of 1826
21. Dancing in the DarkEncore
2 of 133
517 of 1146
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)EncoreTour Debut
Tour Premiere
1 of 32
734 of 877
23. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
2 of 132
602 of 1190