Apr 28, 2008
Greensboro Coliseum (Greensboro, North Carolina)
Tour Rarity Rank: 31st

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
Blood Brothers(Intro)
1. RouletteTour DebutLiberation
tour debut) (first since 2003
1 of 3
45 of 57
2. Don't Look BackTour DebutLiberation
tour debut) (first since 2000
1 of 1
28 of 31
3. Radio Nowhere
63 of 99
67 of 179
4. Out in the Street
8 of 31
484 of 759
5. The Promised Land
62 of 95
874 of 1487
6. Magic
58 of 66
60 of 240
7. Gypsy Biker
60 of 73
63 of 77
8. It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
3 of 5
172 of 299
9. TrappedCover
7 of 14
198 of 266
10. Because the NightCover
22 of 46
305 of 579
11. Darkness on the Edge of Town
14 of 22
636 of 721
12. She's the One
63 of 91
349 of 575
13. Livin' in the Future
63 of 99
67 of 103
14. Mary's PlaceTour DebutLiberation
tour debut
1 of 38
141 of 240
15. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
18 of 27
166 of 438
16. Devil's Arcade
61 of 70
65 of 74
17. The Rising
62 of 99
280 of 972
18. Last to Die
63 of 100
67 of 108
19. Long Walk Home
63 of 100
68 of 282
20. Badlands
63 of 100
845 of 1287
21. BackstreetsEncore
14 of 20
432 of 584
22. Bobby JeanEncore
3 of 19
519 of 710
23. Born to RunEncore
63 of 100
1116 of 1826
24. RamrodEncore
6 of 8
415 of 494
25. American LandEncore
63 of 100
96 of 251