Jul 26, 2016
Granåsen Arena (Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag)
Tour Rarity Rank: 26th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Who'll Stop the RainTour DebutCover
tour debut
1 of 1
146 of 148
2. Badlands
56 of 68
1183 of 1287
3. The Promised Land
35 of 46
1115 of 1487
4. The Ties That Bind
57 of 62
302 of 315
5. Sherry Darling
62 of 69
314 of 326
6. Spirit in the Night
14 of 24
572 of 601
7. Loose Ends
sign request
3 of 4
33 of 43
8. Two Hearts
55 of 57
460 of 474
9. Independence Day
48 of 50
244 of 246
10. Hungry Heart
63 of 74
711 of 747
11. Out in the Street
62 of 72
677 of 759
12. Radio NowhereTour Debut
sign request; tour debut
1 of 2
176 of 179
13. Death to My Hometown
19 of 23
177 of 202
14. The River
63 of 67
736 of 901
15. Racing in the Street
4 of 6
364 of 372
16. Darlington County
25 of 30
390 of 420
17. Working on the Highway
21 of 26
385 of 412
18. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
sign request
16 of 19
432 of 438
19. I'm on Fire
11 of 14
281 of 295
20. Candy's Room
12 of 16
255 of 302
21. She's the One
19 of 24
489 of 575
22. Because the NightCover
57 of 69
475 of 579
23. The Rising
59 of 71
605 of 972
24. Land of Hope and Dreams
12 of 15
446 of 735
25. Born in the U.S.A.
24 of 26
748 of 1042
26. Born to Run
63 of 75
1481 of 1826
27. Ramrod
48 of 50
488 of 494
28. Dancing in the Dark
63 of 75
749 of 1146
29. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
48 of 60
814 of 1190
30. ShoutCover
60 of 72
321 of 390
31. Bobby Jean
28 of 38
651 of 710
32. Thunder RoadEncore
solo acoustic
59 of 61
1176 of 1531