Apr 18, 2000
Compaq Center (Houston, Texas)
Tour Rarity Rank: 33rd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. My Love Will Not Let You Down
38 of 41
40 of 155
2. The Promised Land
76 of 95
621 of 1487
3. Two Hearts
107 of 132
296 of 474
4. Atlantic City
13 of 17
231 of 400
5. Rendezvous
17 of 23
73 of 100
6. Darlington County
65 of 75
195 of 420
7. Factory
39 of 43
153 of 176
8. The River
78 of 87
430 of 901
9. Youngstown
107 of 132
186 of 302
10. Murder Incorporated
107 of 132
171 of 264
11. Badlands
107 of 132
624 of 1287
12. Out in the Street
102 of 127
398 of 759
13. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
107 of 132
471 of 1190
14. Better DaysTour DebutLiberation
First performance since 1993
1 of 1
111 of 138
15. The Ghost of Tom Joad
99 of 112
229 of 452
16. Mary Queen of Arkansas
2 of 3
15 of 19
17. Backstreets
47 of 60
387 of 584
18. Light of Day
107 of 132
289 of 361
19. Cadillac RanchEncore
17 of 17
352 of 480
20. Born to RunEncore
107 of 132
890 of 1826
21. Thunder RoadEncore
107 of 132
795 of 1531
22. If I Should Fall BehindEncore
107 of 132
203 of 290
23. Land of Hope and DreamsEncore
107 of 132
109 of 735
24. RamrodEncore
47 of 67
256 of 494