Apr 11, 1974
Charlie's Place (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Tour Rarity Rank: 22nd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Wild Billy's Circus Story
10 of 11
32 of 50
2. Spirit in the Night
28 of 71
47 of 601
3. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
16 of 40
31 of 164
4. Walking the DogCover
26 of 26
29 of 30
5. It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
13 of 45
20 of 299
6. Kitty's Back
20 of 64
20 of 259
7. Thundercrack
16 of 16
32 of 69
8. Blinded by the Light
17 of 18
28 of 85
9. You Mean So Much to MeCover
8 of 8
15 of 15
10. Growin' Up
10 of 27
23 of 627
11. Let the Four Winds BlowCover
12 of 18
12 of 18
12. Zero and Blind Terry
6 of 6
13 of 14
13. For You
20 of 35
28 of 237
14. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
21 of 67
27 of 877
15. Twist and ShoutCover
11 of 15
14 of 377