Mar 16, 2013
Brisbane Entertainment Centre (Brisbane, Queensland)
Tour Rarity Rank: 86th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. High HopesTour DebutSong DebutCover
World Premiere
1 of 6
1 of 41
2. The Promised Land
41 of 58
1046 of 1487
3. Wrecking Ball
88 of 128
107 of 270
4. Death to My Hometown
89 of 134
92 of 202
5. Out in the Street
41 of 57
590 of 759
6. My City of Ruins
88 of 95
261 of 287
7. Spirit in the Night
53 of 82
519 of 601
8. Incident on 57th Street
8 of 10
138 of 151
9. The River
31 of 53
577 of 901
10. Atlantic City
16 of 28
331 of 400
11. Open All Night
Sign request
6 of 17
95 of 110
12. Darlington County
30 of 56
323 of 420
13. Shackled and Drawn
72 of 113
74 of 143
14. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
88 of 132
352 of 438
15. Racing in the Street
13 of 17
349 of 372
16. Badlands
80 of 125
1048 of 1287
17. The Ghost of Tom Joad
9 of 20
296 of 452
18. Land of Hope and Dreams
60 of 85
392 of 735
19. Blinded by the LightEncore
Acoustic, sign request
3 of 4
77 of 85
20. Born to RunEncore
89 of 134
1338 of 1826
21. Bobby JeanEncore
17 of 39
588 of 710
22. Dancing in the DarkEncore
88 of 133
603 of 1146
23. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
87 of 132
687 of 1190