Mar 20, 2013
Allphones Arena (Sydney, New South Wales)
Tour Rarity Rank: 19th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Devils & Dust
Solo Acoustic
3 of 3
97 of 98
2. Last to DieTour DebutLiberation
Tour Premiere, first time live since 2009
1 of 1
108 of 108
3. The Ties That Bind
20 of 25
235 of 315
4. Darkness on the Edge of Town
12 of 16
676 of 721
5. Wrecking Ball
90 of 128
109 of 270
6. Death to My Hometown
91 of 134
94 of 202
7. Out in the Street
42 of 57
591 of 759
8. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
14 of 18
151 of 164
9. The Promised Land
Sign Request
42 of 58
1047 of 1487
10. Cover Me
Sign Request
9 of 18
325 of 347
11. No Surrender
Sign Request
25 of 39
325 of 465
12. I'm on Fire
Sign Request
6 of 14
256 of 295
13. My City of Ruins
90 of 95
263 of 287
14. High HopesCover
3 of 6
3 of 41
15. Because the NightCover
40 of 52
393 of 579
16. Open All Night
7 of 17
96 of 110
17. Shackled and Drawn
74 of 113
76 of 143
18. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
90 of 132
354 of 438
19. Lonesome Day
28 of 36
348 of 398
20. The Ghost of Tom Joad
11 of 20
298 of 452
21. Badlands
82 of 125
1050 of 1287
22. JunglelandEncore
9 of 17
611 of 647
23. Born to RunEncore
91 of 134
1340 of 1826
24. Bobby JeanEncore
18 of 39
589 of 710
25. Dancing in the DarkEncore
90 of 133
605 of 1146
26. Detroit MedleyEncore
5 of 5
402 of 417
27. Tenth Avenue Freeze-OutEncore
89 of 132
689 of 1190