Jul 31, 2005
Value City Arena (Columbus, Ohio)
Tour Rarity Rank: 36th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Lift Me UpTour DebutSong Debut
Live Premiere
1 of 1
1 of 1
2. Reason to Believe
43 of 56
127 of 208
3. Devils & Dust
43 of 72
47 of 98
4. Lonesome Day
24 of 31
160 of 398
5. Long Time Comin'
41 of 70
77 of 158
6. Back in Your ArmsTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 7
9 of 24
7. For You
12 of 16
198 of 237
8. State Trooper
13 of 20
26 of 35
9. CynthiaTour Debut
Tour debut
1 of 6
2 of 11
10. One Step Up
2 of 11
49 of 59
11. Reno
43 of 72
43 of 72
12. When You're Alone
3 of 5
10 of 12
13. Valentine's Day
3 of 6
3 of 6
14. Lost in the Flood
6 of 15
49 of 85
15. The Rising
43 of 72
186 of 972
16. Further On (Up the Road)
30 of 39
51 of 79
17. Jesus Was an Only Son
43 of 72
46 of 80
18. Two Hearts
3 of 19
348 of 474
19. The Hitter
43 of 57
45 of 59
20. Matamoros Banks
43 of 71
44 of 72
21. RamrodEncore
23 of 24
387 of 494
22. Bobby JeanEncore
12 of 17
499 of 710
23. The Promised LandEncore
43 of 72
777 of 1487
24. Dream Baby DreamEncoreCover
35 of 64
35 of 74